Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X- linked recessive disorder in which lack of protein produced by gene Dystrophin leads to the progressive muscle wasting. The incidence of disease is 1: 3500 to 4000 male children[1]. According to Ayurveda it has been classified under aadibala parvritta vyadhi and it occurs due to Bheejabhagaavyava vikruti leading to medo mamsavaha dushti resulting in DMD like presentation. At present no satisfactory treatment have been developed to date. The drug Eteplirsen by Sarepta pharmaceutical uses phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer (PMO)-based chemistry and proprietary exon-skipping technology has been developed to skip mutations affecting exon 51 of the dystrophin gene[2]. But this treatment cost is nearly 2 crores yearly. As Ayurvedic regimen DMD formula in form of churna shows great improvement and is cost effective too. Also panchakarma therapy in the form of Abhyanga, Shashtishalik, Pindasweda, Basti has been taken along with Ayurvedic regime. This pioneer approach can render the patient quality of life and longer survival upon muscular dystrophy. Hence this treatment results has been proposed for submission..in this case series all five patient have shown decrease in total cpk level after 1 month of therapy. with paired t-test SD = 9957,SE= 4445,df = 4,n=5 study results are significant at 5% level of significance with confidence interval of 95 % as t4 = 3.43.clinical improvement of symptom was observed in terms of decreased rigidity of calf muscles.there ability to walk climb or doing daily routine improved to some extent.