The purpose of this study was to prepare budesonide tablet to deliver the drug to colon in intact form which is used to treat IBD, ulcerative colitis, Chron’s disease. In present study budesonide tablets were prepared using CODES Technology for targeting the drug to colon. The core tablets were prepared using natural polymer Karaya gum which gets degraded by colonic enzymes. Tablet is coated with Eudragit E100 and super coated with Eudragit S100 which will retard the drug release in upper GI Tract and in 6.8pH phosphate buffer in presence of rat caecal micro flora it gave the drug release. The formulation batches were prepared by BOX-BEHNKEN Factorial Design using 3 independent variables X1(con. of Karaya gum), X2 (%wt. gain by Eudragit E100), X3 (% wt. gain by Eudragit S100) and Dependent variable Y5 (% drug release in 5hr) and Y12 (% drug release in 12hr). On the basis of criteria that, not more than 5% drug should release within 5hr (Y5). Where F8 batch was decided as optimized batch because only 2% drug released within 5hr. The result showed that optimized formulation had delivered the maximum amount of drug to the colon in intact form.