Foreign body in a deciduous maxillary second molar- an unsual clinical finding. a case report

Aabhash. A. Agarwal, Abhishek Khairwa, Manohar Bhat, Diksha Shekhawat and Aparajita Adurti

Children often insert strange objects in their teeth either as an attempt to relieve pain or in a subconscious habit. Clinicians encounter such findings during a routine examination where the patient has pain or an infection as a sequela of the foreign body insertion. These foreign bodies not only cause discomfort to the patient but it can also lead to various complications and serve as a nidus of infection. Although accidental insertion of the foreign body is the main etiological factor, self- harming behaviour patterns and dental neglect should also be ruled out during clinical analysis of the patient. This case report describes about a 12-year-old female patient who came into the operatory with pain in the upper left back tooth region of the jaw. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed a plastic pearl bead impacted in the crown of maxillary deciduous second molar. The pearl was then retrieved by creating a space around the impacted pearl and then retrieval was done with a spoon excavator. Following the retrieval process, Indirect pulp capping was done ending the treatment with composite restoration.

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