This study was carried out during two consecutive mango seasons (2017 and 2018) in six localities, Western Burkina Faso. It aimed at assessing the fluctuations of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (formerly classified as Bactrocera invadens) and Ceratitis cosyra Walker populations in three types of plant formations (mango orchards, agroforestry parks and natural fallows). A trapping system experiment consisting of 144 Tephri Trap types operating with two types of parapheromones including methyl eugenol, terpinyl acetate and an insecticide, the Dichlorvors (DDVP) which were used for attracting and killing insect pests. The results revealed that the two fruit fly species fluctuate in a similar way in the three types of plant formations. The average catch indices (FTD) of each of the two tephrid species were approximately equal at each survey date in the three types of plant formations. We did not observe any significant difference between the three types of plant formations in the FTD. However, the higest populations levels of B. dorsalis were recorded in the agroforestry parks (35.84 ± 7.08 and 47.09 ± 6.49 FTD in 2017 and 2018, respectively) and the lowest FTD were observed in natural fallows (28.63 ± 6.14 and 38.50 ± 7.49 FTD in 2017 and 2018, respectively). The highest FTD of C. cosyra were recorded in mango orchards during the two consecutive mango seasons (10.63 ± 3.81 and 15.80 ± 6.95 FTD in 2017 and 2018, respectively) and its lowest population levels were obtained in the agroforestry parks (4.63 ± 1.55 and 5.94 ± 2.16 FTD in 2017 and 2018, respectively). The implementation of control methods only in the mango orchards during the mango fruiting season does not ensure the effective and sustainable control of these insect pests.