Aim: To present the application of Fibrin Glue in various cases related to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and to discuss the clinical outcome.
Material and Methods: Fibrin Glue, composed of human fibrinogen and human thrombin was used in various cases like coverage of raw areas after fibrotomy in Oral Submucous Fibrosis, oroantral Fistulae, to seal soft -tissue defects, fixation of bone grafts and coverage of denuded bone and to control intra-operative and postoperative bleeding.
Results: Intraoperatively, instant hemostasis was achieved with complete sealing of raw area. Post operative healing was satisfactory and faster as compared to the areas treated without Fibrin Glue. Patients were comfortable, no Ryles tubes were required and no immediate or delayed adverse reactions reported. All patients are under follow up.
Conclusion: Fibrin Glue can be used safely and routinely in various cases of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeries.