The purpose of this research was to determine the infestation of cattle suffering from Fasciolosis in rice fields in rainfall level. This research consisted of evaluating the water depth of rice fields with snail populations as intermediate hosts of Fasciolosis and egg per gram (EPG) examination on changes in rainfall. Twenty Bali cattle were examined EPG every month by sedimentation test for four consecutive months with changes in rainfall. Rainfall data is obtained from BMKG West Lombok. The results showed that water depth is 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm with the number of snails 2.3±0.49 tails/m2, 5±1.15 tails/m2, 6±1.73 tails/m2 respectively are positively correlated (R=0.93),Y=1.86x+0.17. Precipitationfrom September to December was 19.5 cm, 24.3 cm, 50.4 cm, 32.3 cm. Stool examination results (EPG±sd) in December to March were 10.50±10.22 EPG, 14.75±9.65 EPG, 21.80±19.95* EPG and 5.35±6.71* EPG and a noticeable difference in EPG (P<0.05) in February and March. It was concluded that the increase of Fasciolosis occurs due to an increase in the volume of rainfall as a medium for swimming mirasidium and cercaria to breed in snails (Lymnaea sp.), then when rainfall decreases followed by rapid drops of Fasciolosis.