Factors favoring the evolution of CD4 T cells of adult patients on the 12th month of antiretroviral therapy (ART) were investigated. This is a retrospective study of 121 cases of PLHIV all followed as outpatients.
The predominant age bracket is that of 30-39 years (32.2%). Women are mostly represented 66.1%. The married were predominant. 52.1% and 32.2% patients are unemployed.
The gain of CD4 to M6 is higher in subjects who started HAART with CD4 ≥ 500 /µL, with a difference is very significant (p = 0.00). Moreover, the comparison of CD4 gains to M6 and M12 also shows a significant difference between the three groups.
The difference is statistically significant for the gain of CD4 between patients observing and those not observing the antiretroviral treatment.
While for patients aged 20-29 years, the gain of CD4 tends to be higher between D0 and M6 (p = 0.174) and between M6 and M12 in patients aged 50-59 years (p = 0.192) but the difference is not significant in 4 age groups studied.
There is no significant difference of CD4 gain depending on the presence or the absence of opportunistic infection at D0, but also between M6 and M12. There is no significant difference in CD4 gain according to whether patients received AZT 3TC NVP or TDF 3TC EFV.
The CD4 count at the start of ART and the treatment adherence arethe factors that are significantly associated with the rising rates of CD4 + infected patients with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in Goma.