Human colostrum is the basic requirement for the nourishment of neonatals. Apart from its nutritional aspects, human colostrum contains several bioactive compounds, such as oligosaccharides proteins, vitamins and even microbes. This bioactive compounds are involved in host-microbe interactions and have a vital role in infants immune system. New techniques have improved our understandings of human colostrum composition, but very little information of bioactive compounds such as microbes and their role on infants is available up to date. Several factors may be influencing the human colostrum microbiome such as - nutrition, breastfeeding, stage of lactation, geographical locations, genetics and many more. But the impact of these factors on infant microbiome are not yet clearly known. This review will give an overview of colostrum microbiota composition and it's activity and will also highlight the factors influencing microbial composition and their potential biological relevance on infants immune system.