Though Kerala stands unique among the states of India with high indicators of human development. The proportion of women is higher than that of men in Kerala. Inspite of higher literacy rate, the employment opportunities for men and women are relatively less. As per census 2011, Kerala has population of 3.45 crores. Out of this 1.73 crores are women. Nearly 92 % of women are literate, while the national literacy rate is 74.04 %. Consequently, the number of educated women, seeking employment has aggravated the unemployment problem in the state. This problem of educated unemployment among the women leads to frustration and psychological imbalance. But in the recent past, “Kudumbashree” has influenced a drastic change in the life of women in Kerala. This development of the women community through the activities of Kudumbashree in various fields and their improved standard of living forced the investigator to find out the factors influence on empowerment of women through Kudumbashree. The main aim of the study is to identify the effects of various variables on women empowerment and to find out factors that influence on women empowerment.