Several research studies have been conducted to magnify understand and exploration of many sensitive issues that people experience. This kind of research is mainly undertaken and conducted using qualitative research methodologies to explore in-depth the experiences of the people. However, there are several complications that are seen while doing qualitative interviews on sensitive topics. The main issue is that these interviews are often stressful for both the researcher and the interviewee. In order to avoid the complications of emotions faced by the participants in order to respond to sensitive questions, this paper delves into the research approach of polling. Polling Booth Survey is an excellent mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, whatever information is gathered via questions which are secretly answered to, by the respondents and later measured by the researcher. Polling Booth Survey also involves a discussion session after the survey, which is, in a way, quite similar to Focused Group Discussion but what is discussed about in this session is based on the responses that are tabulated immediately after the survey, which makes data collection more accurate and transparent.