Ultrasonic investigation of molecular interactions in a binary mixture of cyclic ether (1,4-dioxane) with 1-alkanols at 303.15K over the frequency 3 MHz. The ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity of the 1, 4- dioxane with 1-alkanols system have been measured experimentally. From these three values, we have calculated thermodynamic and excess thermodynamic parameters such as adiabatic compressibility, deviation in adiabatic compressibility, molar volume, excess molar volume, free length, excess free length, deviation in viscosity, internal pressure, excess internal pressure, acoustic impedance, excess acoustic impedance, excess sound velocity, Rao’s Constant, Wada Constant, relaxation time and relaxation strength of binary liquid mixture to interpret the nature of the interactions taking place in the binary liquid mixtures. The results are analyzed in the sight of molecular interaction between the components. The interaction resulting in the interstitial accommodation of 1,4-dioxane in to 1-alkanol are predominant factor over dipole-dipole interaction.