Field experiments were conducted during the 2017 and 2018 wet seasons at the students Teaching and Research Farm of Kogi State University Anyigba (Latitude 70 29’ N and Lougitude 70 11’ E) to study the effect of inter-row spacing and weed management on the growth and yield of soybean(Glycine max L.) . The soybean variety used was TGX 1807-19E.The treatments were four inter-row spacing (20,30, 40 and 50cm) and eight weed management options. The weed management treatments comprised weed infested for 3,6,9, weeks and till harvest on the other. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with split plot arrangement replicated three times. In both trails, plots kept weed tree had no significant effect on plant height and 100-seed weight, Plants in plots height weed tree for only 3 weeks after sowing (WAS) were the shortest and had the least seed weight. Results of the two years analysis showed that plants in plots kept weed tree till harvest significantly produced the highest number of pods/plant and seeds/plant but comparable to the other weed management treatments except the weed tree f or only 3 WAS . Plants infested with weeds for only 3 WAS produced the highest grain yield/ha. Total grain yield was 747.9 Kg1ha in 2017 while it was 745.1 Kg 1ha in 2018. Inter-row spacing did not show significant effect on a number of parameters measured. However, number of seeds/plant, number of pods/plant and grain yield (Kg1ha) were highest with the 40cm inter-row spacing in both years of study. From the foregoing in this region, the critical period of weed interference in soybean production is 3 WAS and the 40cm inter-row spacing be adopted for impressive growth and grain yield of soybean.