Background and Objectives: The present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of periotome in orthodontic extractions.
Materials & Methods: Twenty five patients who required bilateral premolars extractions for orthodontic purpose were included in this study. The subjects were randomized into 2 methods of extractions. In first method, extraction done using periotome and conventional forceps and in second method, extractions done using periosteal elevator and conventional forceps. All the parameters like pain was assessed using visual analogue scale (VAS) in 1st, 3rd,7th day postoperatively , gingival laceration , duration of surgery , success rate of extraction , other complication ( if present ) were also noted.
Results: The data for each method was collected, tabulated, coded & fed in SPSS (IBM version 23) for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics included mean & standard deviation. Interferential statistics included one was ANOVA test followed by post hoc Tuckeys test. The level of significance was set at 0.05 at 95% confidence interval. On comparison, all parameters were statistically significant in method I (extraction using periotome) from method II (extraction using conventional forceps) (p<0.05).
According to the results of the present study, the extraction using Periotome showed significant difference in all the parameters when compared to extraction using the conventional forceps.
Conclusion: From the study it can be concluded that periotome maintains the integrity of gingival and surrounding periodontium. So extractions using periotomes are less invasive over conventional forceps and it can be considered as reliable method of extraction requiring comparative less intra operative time. Periotome found to be helpful in leaving the shape of extracted socket undisturbed & alveolus intact which favoured for further implant placement.