BACKGROUND: Blood is the most common biological fluid used in investigatory projects but it is an invasive procedure, saliva is another biological fluid that can be used as an alternative to blood since it is less invasive and most of the biological parameters found using blood can also be identified in saliva
AIM: to estimate the glucose levels in blood and saliva and verify if there is a correlation between them.
OBJECTIVE: to compare the glucose levels in blood and saliva and estimate the level and justify that the levels in both are equal
METHOD: The study group comprised of 25 randomly selected patients. Blood collection: The samples were collected using the venipuncture methods. Values were calculated using a semi auto analyzer to estimate the random blood glucose levels. Saliva collection: Mostly only stimulated saliva was collected from the subjects. The saliva was collected by asking the participants to spit into the eppendorf, after rinsing their mouth. Statistical analysis: Pearson’s correlation test was done on the data collected and it showed a negative correlation.
RESULT: When the statistical analysis was done it showed a negative correlation in the study, which means that if salivary glucose levels decreases the blood glucose levels increase.
CONCLUSION: The present study sheds some light on the importance of early diagnosis and preferment and utilization of non-invasive saliva analysis over the invasive blood analysis. Even though the present study shows a negative correlation more research should be conducted in this area.