Introduction: Described in 1980nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is accumulation of hepatic fat in absence of a coexisting cause of chronic liver disease or secondary causes of steatosisincluding drugs.
NAFLD is considered as liver manifestations of metabolic syndrome. Asian populations show a greater risk of NAFLD in comparison to Western countries population,having same anthropometric measurements. Patients with gallstones & NAFLD, share similar risk factors.
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine prevalence of NAFLD& to assess its severity by using transient elastography (Fibroscan) in patients of gall stone disease.
Materials and Methods: A total 200 patients of ultrasound proved gallstone disease were investigated and subjected to transient elastography. Based on presence or absence of NAFLD, these patients were divided in two groups, to compare various epidemiological factors.
Results: Majority of patients were females. Maximum number of patients were in the age group of 31-50 yrs.There was significant association between raised levels of cholesterol and triglyceridesin patients with NAFLD with gall stones disease.
There was high prevalence of steatosis in patients of gall stones disease and fibrosis was present in 26.5% ofpatients having NAFLD with gall stone disease.
Conclusion: There was high prevalence of NAFLD in patients of gall stone disease. Most of the patients of NAFLD with gall stones had mild degree of steatosis with fibrosis . Patients of gall stone disease with NAFLDhad higher mean BMI, triglycerides& total cholesterol levels than the non-NAFLD group. Transient Elastography is more sensitive and better modality for diagnosing NAFLD and degree of fibrosis as compared to ultrasonography.