An all-round development of man depends only on education. The sole basis of achieving our aims in life goes through true education.Gandhian educational thoughts can ascertain ultimate peace for mankind. Gandhiji followed the strategy of a true combination of non-violence, service for mankind, truth in ideas and deeds and cooperation in achieving the goals. According to him one should always be brave but never use violent ways to achieve his aim. The truth and non-violence should be used as weapons to face an enemy. He thought non-violence as an ultimate solution for problems of any kind in the world. In the present times when the world is facing global violent movements in the form of strikes, militancy and wars and also the environmental degradation due to increasing pollution, the Gandhian principles can come as an important tool to overcome all these problems. Gandhiji’ssatyagraha which is based on truth, non-violence, non-cooperation and honesty is a holistic approach for life and is based on the ideals of moral courage and truth. According to Gandhiji, the weapon to oppose the evils must always be non-violence and also based on moral values of humanity. Gandhiji was of the view that to win our opponent permanently, we should treat him with love and respect. The thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi about social development, inequality and non-violence if brought in practice can give a solution to overcome and negotiate for not only the social and economic challenges but many other ethical dilemmas of present times also. Gandhiji’s ideas on technology development, village self-sufficiency, his economic concepts and development of cottage industries etc. can prove helpful for environmental protection. The teachers are the key that are able to inculcate these values among the future generation. This paper tries to make an attempt to find role of teachers to blend the peace education and the education for the establishment of global peace through gandhian ideology on education in a general sense.