Introduction: Clinic success in endodontic treatment, rarely exhibits 66%, if debridation is the only criterion of evaluation. Contamination of the pulpal and periradicular tissues with microorganisms generates infections.
Aim: The aim of this work was the evaluation of the healing of chronic perirapical lesion using MTA.
Material & method: A multi-visit endodontic therapy was done with the affected tooth. Root canal preparation and Obturation was carried out uneventfully. Eventually a backfill was done using thermoplasticized gutta-percha followed bySurgical management of the cyst was done, which included cyst enucleation and apicectomy and MTA placement.
Results: Patients were evaluated with radiographs in the first appointment, at 3 and 6 months after MTA was placed in the canal.
Conclusion: MTA allows complete apical bone healing