The study was conducted at the Eastern Amar State University Borongan Campus during the first semester of the school year 2017 to 2018. It aimed to determine the level of job empowerment and job satisfaction of the respondents. It also aimed to determine whether there is significant relationship between these variables. The respondents of the study were the faculty and staff of the university, regardless of the nature of their appointment. A total of 188 respondents were selected as sample through simple random sampling. Liker-type questionnaires were used to obtain mean scores of respondents, then the mean scores were analyzed using the Chi Square test of independence.
The findings of the study revealed that the respondents possess moderate levels of job empowerment and job satisfaction. Further results yielded a significant relationship between job empowerment and job satisfaction of the respondents.
The results of the study implied that the employee of the Eastern Samar State University have a generally moderate degree of control over the tasks they perform in relation to their respective jobs and have a generally moderate contented outlook regarding the natures of their positions in the university.