Background- Lung cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in the industrialized nations. It is the commonest cause of death from cancer in males.
Material& Method- This study was carried out in department of pathology, Sardar Patel Medical College & Associated Group of Hospitals, Bikaner. This study included 50 cases of clinically suspected lung cancer either primary or metastatic.
Results- diagnostic accuracy of Bronchial Brush Cytology in comparison with Histo-pathology. The accuracy of Bronchial Brush Cytology in the diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma was 81.57%; in Bronchogenic Adenocarcinoma accuracy was 80%, in Small Cell Anaplastic Carcinoma 83.33% and in Large Cell Carcinoma it was 100%.
Conclusion: It is concluded that bronchial wash cytology is a valuable tool and yields almost same information as biopsy. It is useful in patients with evidence of obstruction or risk of haemorrhage.