The aim of the present study was to determine which game-related statistics parameters influenced the most on the final result among female basketball teams. Sample of entities was comprised of 12 teams and total of 38 games. Sample of variables was comprised of 13 indicators that determined final result and affecting overall game. To present basic values of each variable, descriptive statistics was used. Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine global differences between successful and unsuccessful teams. Also, to determine separate indicator contibutions on final results, multiple regression analysis was performed. Significance was set up at p≤0.05. Results showed that 2 points-fail (t-value= -3.13; β coefficient= -0.40; p<0,05), 3 points-fail (t-value= -3.75; β coefficient= -0.33; p<0.05), offensive rebounds (t-value= 2.28; β coefficient= 0.24; p<0.05), defensive rebounds (t-value= 3.41; β coefficient= 0.36; p<0.05) and turnovers (t-value= -2.18; β coefficient= -0.20; p<0.05) statistically had impact on the final results of the game. In conclusion, winning teams performed better in shooting elements, along with rebounds and steals, which gave them opportunity to gain the advantage opposed to the opponent and win the competition.