Background of the study: Postmenopausal women have to face a lot of problems, both physically and psychologically. They have to cope with these physiological changes and continue their role in the society and family. So their knowledge regarding post menopausal bleeding and its management will help them to maintain their health at an appropriate level. Aim: Assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding menopausal bleeding and its management among menopausal women. Method: This was a pre experimental one group pre test post test design study with 30 subjects, selected through convenient sampling technique. Data was collected by means of a structured interview schedule. Results: In pre test, out of 30 subjects no subjects had excellent, good or average knowledge. 60% subjects had poor and 40% subjects had very poor knowledge regarding post menopausal bleeding. The post-test knowledge score (18.26±3.35) was more when compared to the pre-test knowledge score (6.53±1.89). Hence it indicates that the STP was effective in enhancing the knowledge of Menopausal women about post menopausal bleeding and its management.