Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of psychosocial intervention package on professional adjustment among nursing students. Method: quasi experimental design method was adopted. The study was conducted at selected nursing Colleges, Chennai. 200 samples that fulfilled the inclusive criteria were included in the study. The samples were selected by nonprobability convenient sampling technique. Professional adjustment scale was used for data collection. PSI was given comprehensively under the domains physical adjustment, social adjustment, emotional adjustment, environmental adjustment. Result: The results revealed that there is a improvement in the mean scores of professional adjustment posttests in study group when compared to the pre-test. The repeated measures of annova shows, The ‘F’ value in the study group F= 387.24 , shows statistically significant at p value<0.0001. Conclusion: The study concluded that psychosocial intervention package had significant changes in the level of professional adjustment among nursing students