Background of the study: Motherhood is a beautiful and joyous experience to a woman. The health of mother during pregnancy is important to give birth to a healthy baby. The best and most precious gift the mother can give the baby is the gift of health. Antenatal care is globally accepted and commonly understood to have a beneficial impact on pregnancy outcome, either through the detecting and treatment of complications or by contributing to the reduction of modifiable maternal risk factors. In UK the prevalence is 0.6-0.7% with up to 39-41% of women with obstetric cholestasis being Indian or Pakistani origin. Higher prevalence is also observed in Scandinavia (2%) and Chile (4%). The condition may occur more frequently in those >35 years of age (25% of cases). Aim: effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding obstetric cholestasis among antenatal mothers.
Method: This was pre experimental study with 50 subjects, selected through purposive sampling technique. One group pre test post test without control group design was used. Data was collected by means of a self administered structured closed ended knowledge questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics in terms of arithmetic mean, frequency distribution, mean percentage, Karl Pearson’s co-efficient correlation formula,‘t’ test and chi-square test.
Results: In pre-test, out of 50 subjects 74% of subjects had average knowledge followed by 26% of subjects with poor knowledge. No one had excellent, good and poor knowledge regarding obstetric cholestasis. However after PTP (post test) 56% of subjects were found with good knowledge followed by 44% of subjects with excellent knowledge, and no subjects remained in category of average, poor and very poor knowledge regarding obstetric cholestasis. The overall findings reveal that the post-test knowledge score (23.02±2.41) with mean percentage 71.94% of total score was more compared to the pre-test knowledge score (12.98±2.28) with mean percentage 40.56% of total score. Hence it indicates that the PTP was effective in enhancing the knowledge of antenatal mothers. Paired ‘t’ test was used to determine the effectiveness of PTP. The calculated‘t’ value (39.88) was much higher than table ‘t’ value (1.645). Thus hypothesis: H1 -There will be a significant difference between the pretest knowledge and post test knowledge scores of antenatal mothers regarding Obstetric Cholestasis at 5% level of significance is accepted. Findings revealed the presence of significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores, hence the planned teaching program is proved to be effective. Chi-square test was used to find the association between socio-demographic variables and post test knowledge scores. There is no significant association found between post test knowledge scores and socio-demographic variables: age, gestational age, religion, family monthly income, number of pregnancy and sources of information regarding obstetric cholestasis. A significance association was found between post test knowledge and socio-demographic variables: education status, occupation status, place of residence regarding obstetric cholestasis. Conclusion: The study proved that planned teaching program on knowledge regarding obstetric cholestasis among antenatal mothers was scientific, logical and cost effective strategy.