Background: Pregnancy is a special event not only in the life of women but also to the entire family. The labor and child birth process is an exciting, anxiety provoking but rewarding time for the women and the family.1 Globally there are approximately 240 million pregnancy annually. These pregnancies results in 134 million births worldwide and approximately 30 million women in India experience pregnancy annually, 27 million have live births.2
Objective: To assess the knowledge and to evaluate effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding management of lower back pain during pregnancy among antenatal mothers.
Design: Pre experiential study. 40 antenatal mothers were selected for the study by complete enumeration. The data was collected by structured interview schedule. Results: The present study reveals that overall mean knowledge score obtained by the subjects was in 15.525% with standard deviation 2.86 in the pre-test and the overall knowledge obtained score was 28.65% with standard deviation 1.0989 in the post-test. The present study reveals that overall mean knowledge score obtained by the subjects was 13 in the pre-test where as the overall knowledge obtained by the subjects was 28.61 in the post-test. The improvement means score for overall knowledge was 28.61 with the ‘t’ value of 27.16 and found to be significant at the level of p<0.05. It evidenced that developed planned teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding management of lower back pain. There was no statistically significant association between the knowledge score with demographic variables like age, education status of antenatal mother, antenatal father, occupation, family income, gravida, type of family, food habits, religion and sources of information. Conclusions: This study indicated that structured teaching programme was effective in enhancing the knowledge of antenatal mothers.