Hypertension is a silent killer disease. It is an ice floe. It is one of the risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. A Quasi- Experimental study was conducted to assess effectiveness of Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation therapy to reduce blood pressure among hypertensive patient. The study was conducted in a Medical Society. A sample of 50 patients with hypertension was selected using non probability purposive sample technique and then group of 25 samples randomly assigned in the experimental and control group. The pre-test was taken using a sphygmomanometer on the first day of interaction. Following the pre-test subjects randomly start Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation therapy, for a period of seven days once in a day. The post-test blood pressure level measured on the seventh day of interaction. In order to assess the pretest and posttest blood pressure level among experimental and control group Wilcoxon test was used. The mean posttest of systolic blood pressure score 129.12 is lower than pretest score 143.92. The mean posttest diastolic blood pressure score 86.48 is lower than pretest diastolic blood pressure 98.16 in experimental group. The “u” test value of systolic blood pressure (u =0.50000, p<0.05) showed that there was a highly significant difference between pretest systolic blood pressure and posttest systolic blood pressure. The “u” test value of diastolic blood pressure (u=2.00000, p<0.05) showed that there was a highly significant difference between pretest diastolic blood pressure and posttest diastolic blood pressure. The results clearly indicate that Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation therapy is effective in reducing blood pressure.