Objective: To find out the effect of pursed lips breathing (PLB) on dyspnea and performance capacity in class 1 obese college going students of Teerthanker Mahaveer University (TMU), Moradabad Uttar Pradesh, India.
Methods: Out of 100 enrolled students, 50 were selected conveniently as per the inclusion criteria of Body Mass Index (BMI) between 30-33(according to World Health Organization [WHO]) and dyspnea scores between 10-14 (according to Borg’s Rate of Perceived Exertion [RPE] scale) after performing 6-minute walk test(6MWT). Training for pursed lips breathing was given for 4 weeks. Pre- training and post- training measurement of dyspnea levels and distance covered after performing 6MWT was recorded.
Results: There was a highly significant (p<0.000) reduction in dyspnea levels as well as the distance covered after 4 weeks of PLB training.
Conclusion: PLB was found to be effective in reducing dyspnea as the subjects were able to cover more distance after performing 6MWT. It indicates that subject’s performance capacity has improved which can assist health related quality of life.