Recent advancements in immunotherapy on cancer provides hope for future treatments of breast cancer. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) at ST35, BL18, and BL20 acupuncture points on Interferon Gamma level, mitosis, apoptosis, and tumor mass in C3H mice model with breast adenocarcinoma. This study is a four armed randomized experimental study with 20 subjects allocated into control group, one time intervention group, two times intervention group, and three times intervention group. The data in this study is analyzed using F variance analysis test and Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed that there was an increase in the Interferon Gamma level in the one, two, and three times intervention groups, but not statistically significant (p=0.229). There was a decrease in mitosis in the intervention groups (p=0.009) while there was no increase in apoptosis (p=0.361) and no decrease in tumor mass. There was a correlation between two times EA intervention and Interferon Gamma level (p=0.026) and between the number of EA intervention and the number of cells undergoing mitosis (p=0.003). EA intervention reduced the mitosis in C3H mice model with breast adenocarcinoma, and correlates with the increase in Interferon Gamma level at two times intervention.