Introduction: VinylSiloxaneEther, a novel impression material introduced recently was claimed to be better than the currently trending materials. No studies were conducted till now regarding the effect of disinfectants, Glutaraldehyde and Sodium hypochlorite on few properties of new material.
Aim: To evaluate effect of disinfectants on dimensional accuracy and surface detail reproduction of Vinyl Siloxane Ether (VSE) versus Poly Vinyl Siloxane (PVS) and Polyether (PE).
Methodology and results: A total of 120 impressions were made from a metal die (ADA no.19), grouped as A, B and C based on the impression material and further sub grouped as AG,AH;BG,BH;CG,CH based on disinfectant used. Measurements were taken to evaluate linear dimensional changes and surface detail reproduction; formulated with one way ANOVA statistical analysis and executed with the help of IBM SPSS 21.0 software. Value of p<0.05 was considered to be significant. More dimensional changes occured in Group-A,PVS(0.0114mm), followed by Group-C,VSE(0.0110mm) and then by Group-B,PE(0.0090mm). Dimensional changes caused by glutaraldehyde is less than that of by Sodiumhypochlorite. Regarding surface detail reproduction, PE showed better results than PVS and VSE materials.
Conclusion: PE presented better dimensional accuracy and produced good surface details comparatively. VSE showed significant expansion after disinfection. Sodium hypochlorite caused more dimensional changes than glutaraldehyde, however statistically and clinically insignificant.