Healthy adult male albino rats of wistar stain weighing 180 – 225gms were used. They were fed with a standard balanced diet and clean drinking water. The drug ciprofloxacin hydrochloride T.P was used for the animals. The weighed animals divided into the four groups, of five animals each and received of treatment. After treatment of weighed the rats, serum was separated immediately after the sacrifice by centrifugation and stored until used for hormone assays. Elisa of FSH, LH and Testosterone was estimated. In the present study, there was consistent reduction in serum FSH alone but not serum LH which suggest diminished production of FSH only from pituitary. This may be due to the decreased response of gonad tropes to GnRH stimulation. The lowered testosterone, raised normal LH titres as well as low serum FSH levels in this study suggest that there is poor negative feedback control by the testicular hormones to the hypothalamo - hypophysical regions.