In the present investigation, efforts have been made for evaluation of level of proteins in leaf and seed of M3 mutants of winged bean.For the present research work, the seeds of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) of variety (cultivar) namely II-EC-178313 and 2I-EC-38825 were treated with the chemical mutagens such as Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS) and Sodium Azide (SA) and successively different nine type of mutants were obtained in M3 generation of both the varieties (cultivars). Further these nine mutants were selected to find out the content of protein in leaf and seed. The mutants like early flowering and long pod displayed an increase in the leaf protein percentage as compared with control (Variety II-EC-178313). While in case of variety 2I-EC-38825, only long pod mutant shows increased level of protein content in leaf. Regarding seed protein (crude) content, in variety II-EC-178313 out of nine mutants, only three mutants demonstrated the enhancement in crude protein content as compared with control. While in case of variety 2I-EC-38825, the anthostem mutant showed increased protein content than the control. The present investigation therefore has provided significant insights for further improvement of winged bean germplasm for its level of protein content in leaves and seeds.