The present study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercises on cardio respiratory endurance parameter among college men middle distance runners. To achieve this purpose of the study thirty (N=30) college men students were selected from alagappa university, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu state, India, during the year 2016-17. The subject’s age ranges from 17 to 25 years. The selected subject were divided into two equal groups consists of fifteen subject each namely one experimental group and control group from college students. The experimental group I underwent aerobic exercise group (AEG) programme for six weeks. The control group was not taking part in any exercise during the course of the study. The dependent variable cardio respiratory endurance parameter selected for the study, it was measured by cooper12 min run/walk test unit of meters. Pre-test was taken before the exercise period and post- test was measured immediately after the six weeks exercise period. The collected data were analyzed by using paired sample ‘t’test and analysis of covariance to find the significant difference among the experimental and control group. The level of significance will be fixed at .05 level of confidence for all the cases. These results suggest that aerobic exercises group improve cardio respiratory endurance level compare better than to control group.