The present study was conducted in Tuensang District in the state
of Nagaland, India. A total of 120 respondents from 20 SHGs were considered.
‘Edou’ in local dialect means ‘people working together’ or ‘farming
together’. In the year 2003, Edou micro finance was established with a view
to cultivate the habit of saving among the members. In the present study,
economic empowerment index was developed consisting of economic indicators.
This study aimed to explore the economic empowerment gained by the rural
women through the ‘Edou’ micro financing strategy. It was found that
68.33% of the respondents had medium level of economic empowerment level,
followed by high empowerment level 16.67 per cent and last categories belong
to low level 15 per cent. It was also found that 100% of the respondents
procure loan from the Edou micro finance. The study concluded that, Edou
microfinance has helped its members to improve their status and has enabled
the women to expand and diversify their income generating activities and also
boost their self confidence, and has offered a powerful, transparent model
for micro financing.