Sustainable water management in a river basin requires knowledge of the water availability in the basin and current and future demands. An attempt has been made to study determine the groundwater quality in Sarabanga sub basin, Cauvery river basin of crystalline terrain (Archaean age), Salem district, Tamil Nadu, south India. Groundwater quality analysis results were compared with the WHO standards of drinking water quality limits with the following the water quality parameters namely pH, Ec, TDS, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, HCO3, SO4, TDS and TH etc., Hydrogeochemical facies of groundwater quality in study area reveals that fresh to brackish and alkaline in nature. Piper's plot shows that the groundwater samples fall in the field of CaHCO3, mixed CaMgCl, NaCl respectively, according to the order of their dominance. From the plot, it is observed that nearly 60% of samples fall in alkaline earths Ca2+, HCO3– exceed the other anions. The physical and chemical parameters of the Sarabanga sub-basin, results show that all the samples are under their commended limit for agricultural and drinking purposes.