Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network with large number of tiny sensor devices which are of low cost, and minimum consumption of power called as sensor nodes. These types of nodes have great sensing technology which is specifically designed for applications such as military, smart homes and other security related areas. Due its wireless nature, network can be deployed anywhere in the environment, which becomes more vulnerable for attackers to destroy the network. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) fills in as a critical apparatus in anticipating, identifying and protecting against network attack. Because of expanding frequency of cyber-attacks, constructing a viable hybrid intrusion detection framework is fundamental for avoidance of any attack, securing data framework, observing networks against attacks or intrusion, and detailing these attacks to the appropriate centre for quick activity. In this paper, we propose a system of intrusion detection for wireless sensor network in the distributed environment using logo pattern matching algorithm. This calculation is utilized to decrease the odds or event of attacks on the network to a negligible level.