This research paper explores the prevalence, and potential implications of cheek dimples, contributing to the understanding of these morphogenetic traits. Cheek dimples, small indentations on the face, enhance attractiveness when smiling and have cosmetic significance. The study investigates the prevalence of dimples, as potential predictive screening tools for certain conditions. The dominance of dimples over non-dimples is acknowledged to have variable expression, complicating their assessment. The research methodology involved visual observations of individuals aged 20 to 30 in Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India. The study included 607 subjects, with an acknowledgment of the uneven distribution of males and females. Statistical analysis, employing the Chi-square test, demonstrated a significant association between dimple presence and sex, with females exhibiting a higher prevalence. The findings indicate a prevalence of 52.38% for cheek dimples in the studied population, with a higher occurrence in females compared to males.