In the era of digitalization, implant dentistry heralds the wave of digital revolution. Due to the evolution of newer equipments and techniques the diagnosis and treatment of the cases are becoming simpler and more precise. With the ongoing ingress of new hardware and software into the market, dental technology has the capability to invade every area of clinical implant dentistry. Its application generally begins from the pre-operative stage for the diagnostic scanning with the help of intra-oral scanner and cone beam computed tomography.
These modalities, along with implant planning software, enables for the planning as well as the guided surgical placement of dental implants. Technology can further be applied to the prosthetic phase of implant by fabricating the interim and final restorations of the implants, determining its use in every stage of implant dentistry. It also helps the dentist to discuss and exhibit the final outcome of the treatment with the patient through the digital data obtained. This leads to create a positive impact on patient providing greater patient acceptance. The propose of the article is to illustrate the application of digital technology in the pre-operative planning phases, surgical placement and prosthetic stages of implant treatment