Background: Several anthropometric measurements correlate consistently well with the stature of an individual. Though reliable and applicable for medico-legal investigations, they vary considerably among different regions and races. It is hence of paramount academic interest to anatomist to describe and define such regression equations which can be used to deduce stature in a defined population.
Materials & Methods: The study was conducted over a period of 6 months on 400 school students aged 8 – 12 years. Informed consent was obtained from the principals of all the 8 schools where the study was conducted. Using standard techniques height was measured using a stadiometer and head length was measured using a spreading calipers. Data was analysed by using student’s t test and Pearson’s regression correlation.
Results: Average height in girls was 135.85 ± 8.12cm compared to 137.62 ± 8.45cm in boys (P <0.05). Head length did not show gender dependent difference statistically. Head length and height correlated significantly (r = +0.722 and r2 = 0.521). Sexual dimorphism was noted with r values being slightly higher in female subjects compared to males with r = +0.749 compared to r value of +0.704 in male subjects. Both were determined above 0.5.
Conclusion: Head length appears to be positively correlated with height and hence the regression formula derived can be used in our population for medico-legal investigations.