In vivo stains are the prompt resources, which have emerged, in the recent years so as to aid as clinical diagnostic tools in detecting early premalignant and malignant lesions. Toluidine blue by its property of retaining in the increased DNA and RNA cellular activity are as, aids in delineating the suspicious are as where as Lugol’s Iodine reaction is pertained to the amount of glycogen content in the squamous epithelial cells and thus both the stains when used consecutively aids not only in delineating the margins of the suspicious lesions but also addscontrast to the early dysplastic lesions.
The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic efficiency of Toluidine blue with Lugol’s Iodine in Oral Premalignancies and OralSquamous Cell Carcinoma.
Methods: Study group comprised of 30 subjects, out of which 15 were with clinically suspicious leukoplakia and 15 with clinically suspicious oral squamous cell carcinoma lesions. All the lesions were stained consecutively with Toluidine blue and Lugol’s Iodine and the dye retention was recorded with photographs and depending on the retention of the dyes biopsy site was determined. The biopsy specimens were sent for histopathological evaluation and the results were statistically analyzed.
Results: Lugol’s Iodine when used with Toluidine blue helped in delineating the inflammatory lesions and was a mean source in determining clinically the degrees of differentiation of malignant lesions as the moderately differentiated malignant lesions in which glycogen content failed to show Lugol’s Iodine retention.
Conclusion: Toluidine blue with Lugol’s Iodine can be used a sapre-therapeutic assessment of the biologic aggressiveness of the disease. Further studies with larger sample size are required to draw substantial conclusion.