Determination of Water Quality of Elisha Lake. Four different locations were selected in Elisha Lake, its Physico Chemical analysis such as, pH, Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, T.D.S, Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, D.O during March.2021- Feb.2022. The present studies calculate the Water Quality Index of lake and assess the impact of industries, agriculture and human activities. W.Q.I has been calculated of Elisha Lake, District: Kheda, Gujarat (India). Total ten Physico– Chemical parameters were monitored for the calculation of W.Q.I in Rainy, Winter and Summer seasons. The parameters namely pH, Total Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Sulphate, were exceeding the permissible limits as prescribed by Indian Standards. However, The W.Q.I values in the present investigation were reported to be more than 40, Indicating that the Water Quality is 47.87 in Rainy and 111.03 Winter season and 156.50 in Summer season and used for drinking purpose after purification .The Pollution load is relatively lighter during Summer season which compare to the Winter and Rainy Season. Results obtained are compared in term of their highest value and lowest values among three seasons in term of 10 parameters.