Nursing care is one of the major components of health care services and the nursing staffs comprises the vast majority of hospital personnel and have the greatest contact with patients. A Descriptive study to assess the patient satisfaction with nursing care. The study was conducted at selected hospitals of centre pat of Gujarat. Samples of 100 Indoor patients were selected using Non probability purposive sampling technique. A self administered tool used by the investigator for data collection. The finding of the study indicated that majority of the patients 65( 65%) were having very good quality of nursing care, 31(31%) were having excellent quality of nursing care, 4(4%) were having good quality of nursing care and none of the patient experienced fair or poor quality of nursing care. The calculated chi square value was more than the chi square tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance for demographic variables like age, family monthly income and education which indicates the presence of significant association. Whereas it was found to have no significant association with demographic variables like gender, previous hospitalization, number of days stayed in hospital and ward, as the calculated chi square value was less than the tabulated value. Hence we conclude there is association found in demographic variables like age, monthly income & education respectively. Hence the hypothesis H1 is accepted.