A descriptive study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge regarding newborn care among postnatal mothers at Sharda Hospital, Surat, Gujarat. The sample comprised of 30 postnatal mothers of Sharda Hospital. Sample was selected by using non probability purposive sampling method. Data collection done from 7rd april-2017 to 19th april-2017, by using structured interview schedule after obtaining formal permission from hospital authorities. Data was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of study showed that, 10 [33.4%] postnatal mothers were 21-23 year and 21[70%] postnatal mothers were graduated. Majority 22 [73%] postnatal mothers were Hindu and majority 14 [46.65] postnatal mother’s monthly income was between Rs. 10,000-15,000. Majority 18 [60.3%] postnatal mothers had normal delivery and 11 [36.4%] postnatal mothers had L.S.C.S. Majority 21 [70%] postnatal mothers were belonging from nuclear family and 21 [70%] postnatal mothers were housewife. Majority 18 [60%] postnatal mothers were prime Para and 12[40%] multipara. The mean knowledge score was 20.7 and there was no significant association between the knowledge score and selected demographic variables like age, monthly income, type of family, occupation, type of delivery and parity status except religion and education where calculated chi square value is more than the table value. The study concludes that, the education of mothers regarding new-born care will play an important role in prevention of new-born complications.