Fluoride is an essential element, which is good for the teeth enamel and helps to prevent dental caries. In excessive doses, however, it will lead to a chronic fluoride poisoning (fluorosis). Fluoride contamination of groundwater is a growing problem in many parts of the world. In the present study we investigated fluoride levels in the groundwater of rural areas in dharmapuri district, Tamil Nadu. Twenty four drinking water samples were collected and analysed for fluoride contamination from different villages located drinking water in rural areas of dharmapuri district Water samples were collected from July 2016 to June 2017. The residents from different villages have been identified with fluorosis and collected the information related to fluorosis.40 villages level were identified as endemic area from the mapping were investigated. The fluoride in ground water of dental fluorosis were assessed in children attending schools from the selected villages. Fluoride concentration ranges from 0.14 – 5.68 mg/l with an average of 2.91 mg/l and standard deviation of 0.6927. The 9.993% of samples having fluoride concentration above desirable limit (1 mg/l) and 23.192% samples having fluoride concentration above 1.5 mg/l. Rest of the samples are within desirable limit. To assess the health impact, checked dental fluorosis and it is found that the most of the people from Athimutlu, Belamaranahalli, Belarahalli, Bevuhalli and Booganahalli villages of dharmapuri district and minimum is 0.14 mg/l in the Achalvadi and Agraharam villages consume groundwater as their drinking water source which have reportedly high fluoride content in their groundwater and thus morbidity of dental fluorosis is very high in these villages .