Introduction: Cytological evaluation of body fluids is a cost effective and simple procedure useful in arriving at a diagnosis regarding ethiopathogenesis of diseases. It has helped in staging of the disease process along with assessing the prognosis.
Aims & Objectives: The present study aims to evaluate the gamut of cytological findings one can come across in the various body effusions and to classify them into non –neoplastic and neoplastic etiologies.
Material and Methods: A total of 276 cases of aspirated fluids received in Department of Pathology, GAIMS, G.K General Hospital, Bhuj were studied over a period of one year. The body fluids included pleural, peritoneal, pericardial and synovial effusion. The body fluids were received in plain test tubes and were centrifuged. Routine stains like haematoxyllin and eosin (H&E) and Papanicolaou were done and special stains were done wherever required.
Results: Most common aspirated fluid was peritoneal fluid (47.8%) followed by pleural fluid (43.5%) with overall male to female ratio of 3:1. Maximum cases belonged to age group of 51-60 years. Non-neoplastic aetiology was predominantly present in 85% cases with neoplastic causes being present in 14.9% cases. Among malignant effusions, adenocarcinoma was the most common aetiology. Along with studying the different cytopathologies, we also evaluated the causes of unsatisfactory smears.
Conclusion: Exfoliative fluid cytology is rapid and cost effective method for diagnosis of the underlying disease process and serves in the evaluation for timely and accurate management of the patients. It also helps to distinguish the reactive causes from the neoplastic etiologies.