Background: Chronic Liver disease is common clinical problem in our country which is associated with a process of progressive destruction and
degeneration of liver parenchyma leading to fibrosis and cirrhosis1.
Material and method: A Single centered cross sectional observational study done at Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital, West Bengal, India.
Result: Of the total 95 subjects 65 subjects i.e 68.42% of subjects had advanced fibrosis with fibroscan reading corresponding to F3, F4 fibrosis. Of the total 60 patients who had CTP grade C which depicted advanced liver disease fibroscan could identify 88.3% of them as grade F4 fibrosis 5% as F3-F4 fibrosis and 1.67% as having F3 fibrosis.
Conclusion: Fibroscan helps in differentiating patients with early liver disease from those with advanced liver disease without needing invasive procedure like biopsy.