Aim & Objectives: The aim of the study was to know the availability of vaccines in the Indian market within the age group of 0 – 12 years of age (pediatric population).The cost minimization analysis (The minimum, maximum and % variation) of all the vaccines that are available in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India were analyzed and thereby we can reduce the health care costs.
Methodology: It is a pure prospective observational study carried in Guntur during the period of May to October 2016. We followed CMA and CBA to evaluate the cost minimization and cost benefits of all the vaccines mentioned below.
Results and Discussion: All the above-mentioned vaccines are available in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India are analyzed in the terms of their minimum cost with efficacy and % of variation with the minimum and maximum cost per each vaccine available in the Guntur market for the individual pediatric population. The health care cost of vaccination schedule for individual pediatrics in private sector was given in the above table and it is found that minimum cost is Rs.27, 690, maximum cost is Rs.32,860 and the % variation was 76.37 %.
Conclusion: We finally conclude that usage of vaccination schedule of pediatric population is preferable to take at government health care sectors rather than visiting private health care sector and thereby we can reduce the economical burden for the common people.