Many researchers emphasize that the process of reading and writing is related to language proficiency and knowledge as well as other types of verbal communication (Maurer 2003, Krasowicz- Kupis 1999, 2004). It is therefore to be expected that there is a correlation between uninterrupted language proficiency and success in learning to read. Participants of the study: The study was participated in by 10 students (5 boys and 5 girls) at the age of 10, selected based on test results that indicated or confirmed developmental dyslexia. The study was carried out in a primary school in Kielce. Methods: The study presented in this article is based on the analysis of language material collected from students with developmental dyslexia. This article will present a part of the study concerning the analysis of the semantic structure in longer written statements of dyslectic students. The tool used in the study was a parallel language test, in which students with developmental dyslexia revealed their linguistic deficits. Conclusions: The results of the study indicate that in developmental dyslexia, the language learning mechanism is disturbed. The above statements allow the following conclusion to be drawn: dyslexic children encounter difficulties not only in the construction of a narrative text, but above all in its reception. This also makes it possible to redefine developmental dyslexia as a communication competence disorder.