In India about 760 millions of farmers are engaged in agriculture. According to an estimate more than 60 per cent of the farmers have no access to any source of modern agriculturel information. Reaching to these unreached farmers is a great big challenge before the extension system. To achieve the growth rate more than four per cent in agriculture, ICT revolution in India must be preceded by the next generation of technology and infrastructure development. Keeping in new of the above facts the present study was undertaken to access the Constraints experienced by extension personnel in the use of ICT tools in Allahabad division of Uttar Pradesh. A total of 280 respondents (Scientist/Agriculture Officer 84 and Field Level Extension Personnel (FLEP-196) were selected through proportionate random sampling methods. Data were collected with the help of pre structure interview schedule, the collected data were classified tabulated and interpreted in the light of the objective to draw the inferences. It was observed that extension personnel were faced most severe constraints in the area of technological, social, economical and psychological in the study area. A link should be with state department for the proper use of ICT tools for better sharing and utilizing portal resources effectively for agricultural development.