Conflict of interest always coloring every government decision including public policy in field of spatial planning, especially related to green open space. In Bali, this condition is more complicated and complex because of the involvement of the tourism industry in it. This statement emerged in parallel with the recognition of the mutual contribution of tourism to the acceleration of regional development, with a benchmark on the ability of such a large tourism sector to contribute to local finance. This is becoming increasingly evident when various conflicts of interest take shelter under the sparkling tourism industry, which helps to regulate in the absence of rules in every green open space policy in Bali. The situation became the subject of the study, where this article will discuss the conflict of interest which will have consequences for the existence of green open space in Bali. Given the wide range of interests involved, the review in this article will be limited to reviews of economic, political and cultural conflict of interest. The argument put forward in this limitation is because the development of the tourism industry in Bali is closely related to economic sectors, government political policies, and cultural considerations. This article is structured into three main sections. The first section discusses the complexity of green open spaces. The second part describes the conflict of interest in the policy of green open space development in Bali. The final part is to examine the consequences of the conflict of interest on the existence of green open spaces and the sustainability of spatial development in Bali.