Background: Supra glottic airways are commonly used as alternatives to face mask anaesthesia. These supraglottic airway devices are easier to use than face masks and are less invasive than endotracheal tubes. Supraglottic airways help to maintain a patent airway during surgical procedures. Laryngeal mask airways and I-gel airways are commonly used supraglottic airway devices in children. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of I- gel and classical laryngeal mask airway in terms of the number of attempts made before securing a patent airway in children under general anaesthesia.
Methods: This study was done in 100 children aged between 2-10 years, weighing 10-25 kg, ASA physical status I - II and scheduled for elective surgeries. Children were divided into two groups (I-gel and LMA Groups) of 50 children each. A standard protocol of anaesthesia was followed. Regional anaesthesia (caudal epidural block) was used for intra operative and post operative analgesia in all children. Number of attempts of insertion of I-gel and classic laryngeal mask airway were noted before securing a successful patent airway.
Data analysis was done by SPSS Software Version 18. Qualitative data were compared by using Chi-square test and quantitative data was compared using independent t-test. A P value less than 0.05 was taken as statistically significant.
Results: Demographic data were comparable in both I-gel and classic laryngeal mask airway groups. The success rate for first attempt was 100% for I-gel airways and 96% for classic laryngeal mask airways. We did not find a statistically significant difference in insertion success rate between I- gel and classic laryngeal mask airway (P = 0.153). Both airways were comparable in terms of insertion success rate.
Conclusion: We found more insertion success rate clinically in I-gel airway group compared to classic laryngeal mask airway group. But this insertion success rate was comparable between I-gel and classic laryngeal mask airway in spontaneously breathing children.