Aim: Anaemia prevalence in young children continues to remain over 70% in most parts of India and Asia. The aim of the present study is to assess the oral health status of anaemic and non anaemic children in the age group of 6 to 12 years in Raichur District, Karnataka.
Materials and Methods: The oral health status of 75 anaemic and 75 non-anaemic children in the age group of 6-12 years were examined for Decayed, missing, filled teeth [dmft] and Oral hygiene index- simplified. The children were examined for haemoglobin levels, in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria.
Results: The frequency of dental caries in anemic children was slightly higher; OHI-S value was significantly higher in anemic children than that of non anemic children. The comparison of dmftindex within the anemic groups was also found to be statistical significant. Similarly the comparison of OHI-S index within the anemic groups was also found to be statisticalsignificant.
Conclusion: The present study showed higher dmft and OHI-S index in Anaemic children. There was a significant inverse association between the dmftand OHI-S index in comparison with haemoglobin levels. Our study of assessing the oral health of children with anaemia and comparing it against non-anaemic children is the first kind of study in the literature. The scope of the study to access the oral health status in addition with diet analysis, medication and oral hygiene habits in Anemicchildren.